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Rules of Play
We love having people to play in Mini Methwold, but we do ask that everyone keeps to our rules to make it safe and happy for everyone
Learning for life through exploration
In Mini Methwold we have spaces dedicated to a shop, kitchen and cafe, doctors, hairdressers, Post Office and even a fire station all to be explored.
An enclosed outside area provides space for outdoor play, with a playhouse and more role play opportunities.
Letting imaginations flow and develop
Role play is essential in children's learning and development, so with this in mind Mini Methwold has been designed to promote little people’s social development, encourage friendships, sharing, listening and most importantly to have fun.
Our Rules
·Mini Methwold does not accept responsibility for the supervision of children within the premises, therefore all children must be supervised by a responsible adult/guardian at all times·
Please remove shoes before entering the play space
Adults and children must wear socks at all times
No food, drinks or chewing gum should be taken into the role play space
Play is restricted to an allocated play session
Upon leaving the building please ensure that any Mini Methwold property is left behind and BACK IN PLACE. Non compliance is likely to affect your damage deposit refund
Children who are unwell, or who have been unwell, should not visit the centre for 48 hours
Fighting, bullying and abusive language will not be tolerated. Reported parties may be blocked from future visits
For health and safety reasons, in the unlikely event of an accident or injury occurring, please report in the Accident Book and report to the Mini Methwold administrator
Mini Methwold cannot be held liable for any loss or damage to personal property during your visit
Prams & buggies are NOT permitted inside the play area, pram parking areas are provided.